It is a country in South Asia. Consisting of 17,508 islands, it is the largest island country in the world. It has a population of 222 million people, according to 2006 estimates. [4] It is the fourth in the world in terms of population density and the largest Islamic country in terms of population. Indonesia is a republic in which the president and government are chosen through parliamentary elections. Its capital is Jakarta, and it is bordered by Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor. And neighboring countries such as Singapore, the Philippines and Australia.
Indonesia is an Islamic country located in Southeast Asia. It consists of more than 13,500 islands. These islands are located on the equator, and extend more than 5,150 km. Many of these islands are only a few square kilometres. Indonesia also includes about half of New Guinea and three-quarters of Borneo. These two islands represent the second and third largest islands in the world after Greenland.
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